Future-Tech Institute works to provide an alternative to traditional education by concentrating on intense and specialized subjects, while eliminating some of the general non-related courses. We are eager to provide our students with the knowledge and skills needed to acquire positions in today’s job market.
FTI was founded in November 2000 with vocational programs in Computer Business Applications and Nursing Assistant. The first class for the Computer Business Applications began in April 2001 and the first class for Nursing Assistant began in April 2002.
Future-Tech Institute became accredited by ACCSC as of September 8, 2006. Accreditation was granted for the two programs the school offered at the time. As of June 15, 2007, Future-Tech Institute requested its Nursing Assistant program be dropped from the list of offered programs. As of 2018 FTI stopped accepting new applications for the Computer Business Application or Medical Assistant Programs and as of the summer 2019, it made the decision to close the Patient Care Technician Program after the last graduates at the time completed the program and there were no new enrollees. At this time, the school’s focus has shifted to pour its energy and resources to offering the best possible Professional Nursing Degree (ADN) Program it can as a top Nursing School of choice for its student. FTI is current licensed, approved by the Florida Board of Nursing, and accredited for the Professional Nursing Degree (ADN) Program.
The school is owned, controlled and managed by Future-Tech Institute, Inc. at the same address.

Future-Tech Institute is located at 3446 S.W. 8 Street Suite 218 in Miami, Florida 33135.The facility consists of 8 classrooms and administrative areas covering a total of 5000 square feet.
The facility is enclosed in a modern, air conditioned building including the following environments: technologically updated classrooms and laboratories for actual practice, reception area, executive offices and library areas.The facility has a moderate parking area to accommodate the school capacity, staff and visitors.
The maximum number of students in a classroom/laboratory set-up is as follows:
Professional Nursing Degree Program: 24 Students per instructor
The maximum number of students in clinical rotations on-site is as follows:
Professional Nursing Degree Program: 12 Students per instructor
Base upon Calendar year January 1, 2020, thru December 31, 2020
Total occurrences On Campus
Sex Offenses:
Forcible and Non-Forcible: 0
Criminal Homicide: 0
Murder, Non-negligent and Negligent: 0
Manslaughter: 0
Robbery: 0
Aggravated Assault: 0
Motor-Vehicle Theft: 0
Liquor Law Violation: 0
Drug Law Violation: 0
Illegal Weapons Possession: 0
Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day and the day after
Christmas Week
New Year's Week
Professional Nursing Degree Program*
April 2016 – March 2017
Population Base: 0
Graduate: 0
Graduated on time: 0
Graduation Rate: 0%
Placement Rate: 0%
Median Debt: $0
*The Professional Nursing Degree Program was approved in 2017 and implementation started in 2018. Rates were not available to report.
Future-Tech Institute
3446 SW 8th Street. Suite 218. Miami, FL 33135.
PHONE: 305.774.0227. FAX: 305.445.2217
Licensed by: Commission for Independent Education. Florida Department of Education. Lic #2333
Accredited by: The Accrediting Commission of Career School and Colleges (ACCSC)
Approved by the Florida Board of Nursing NCLEX No.US70412200